第56章 鸡同鸭讲,如何证明(1 / 6)


“Hello, sir. We would like to drink cola!【你好,先生。我们想喝可乐!】”

“Ok! How are you?【好的!你们怎么样?】”

“We are doing well, could you please help tell them to give us cola! thanks!【我们很好,麻烦帮忙告诉他们给我们可乐,谢谢!】”

“I'm fine,thanks! And you?【我很好,谢谢!你们呢?】”

“Hmm? Sir, what are you talking about?【嗯?先生你在说什么?】”

“No problem!【没问题!】”

“Can you understand what we're saying!【你到底能不能听懂我们在说什么!】”

“Of course, how are you?【当然,你们好吗?】”

“What? Are your brain normal?【什么?你脑子正常吗?】”

“I'm fine,thanks! And you?【我很好,谢谢!你们呢?】”

“John,He can't understand what we're saying at all! He can only repeat those few sentences!【约翰,他根本听不懂我们说的!他只会重复那几句!】”

“Too much, David,are they playing with us?【太过分了,大卫,他们是在耍我们?】”

“Damn it! I'm so angry!【该死的,我太生气了!】”


